Report an issue using the Snap Send Solve App

  1. Simply download the app onto your phone and start reporting. Download: Apple | Android

    • If you are viewing this page on your computer, simply visit the Play store (Android) or the App store (Apple) on your smart phone and search for 'Snap Send Solve' to download the App.
  1. Take a picture of the issue using the app.
  2. Add more information to help us identify the issue quicker.
  3. Send the report

The app works by identifying the location the photo is taken using the phone's GPS data. It sends an email to the Council from the users email address, including the incident type, notes, address of incident, photo, and users contact details. The report is then allocated to the relevant Council department.

Reports and requests for services can also be lodged by completing the online form, calling Council, or visiting us at a Council Service Centre.