Submission on Publicly Notified Application Concerning a Resource Consent Under sections 96 and 127(3) of the Resource Management Act 1991 and its amendments. Most fields require entry and are marked with an asterisk *.

Your Details

We need to know which consent you are submitting on

We need your full name & address to contact you.

We need your full address

Please provide your full address

If you know your area code, please include it.

If you are representing an organisation or business you can enter the name here.

If you are representing an organisation or business please provide a contact name

Numeric only, no dashes or brackets


*The type of consent is:
Choose at least one option

The location of the consent is:

The proposed activity/change is:

*The specific part(s) of the application that my submission relates to are:

*My submission is in:
Choose one option

*My Submission is:
Please tell us what your submission is in the box below. (Limit 3000 words).

*I seek the following decision from the Selwyn District Council:
Please give precise details, including the general nature of any conditions sought or use the upload facility below. Tell us what decision you want the Commissioner to make.

Supporting Information:
You can upload your submission or supporting information here. If you wish to upload more than one file, please email it to with your name and the Resource Consent Number on it, so that we can match your submission and information. Files must be under 10MB and Word/PDF format.


*Do you wish to be heard in support of your submission?
Choose one option. If you choose to be heard, we will keep you informed of when the hearing is on.

*If others make a similar submission, I would consider presenting a joint case with them at the hearing.
Choose one option.

Thank you for taking the time to make a submission. All submissions will be reviewed. If there is going to be a hearing, you will be notified of the Hearing Date. You may also be asked to provide any supporting evidence in advance. There may also be a pre-hearing meeting which you may be invited to.