In this section

  • SOE Monitoring

    Council's Monitoring Strategy identifies the priorities for monitoring of the various strategies, plans and actions that Council has adopted.

  • Urban Development Capacity

    Policy & Strategy National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity

Policy and Strategy information

Council's submission

Resource Management Act Reforms 2017

The Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017 (RLAA) represents the Government’s second phase of reform of the Resource Management Act (RMA). It contains close to 40 amendments and makes significant changes to five different Acts. This is the most comprehensive package of reforms to the RMA since its inception 26 years ago. Among other things the changes relate to plan change processes, Resource consent exemptions and fast track processes,  notification considerations, fees and charges.  For more information and fact sheets see about the Resource Legislation Amendment Act 2017.

Urban Development Capacity

The National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity directs Council’s to provide additional housing and business development capacity to meet the future needs of the community.

Malvern and Ellesmere Area Plans

Selwyn District’s rapidly growing population is changing the environment in which decisions are being made and challenge the Council’s ability to cater for its expanding urban environment. To assist in managing this, the Council prepared and adopted Selwyn 2031 District Development Strategy (Selwyn 2031). Selwyn 2031 emphasises the importance of adopting and implementing a strategic approach to managing urban growth as a means of strengthening the District’s self-sufficiency and to ensure that it continues to be a great place to live, work and play.

One of the actions from Selwyn 2031 identifies the preparation of Area Plans for the Malvern and Ellesmere Wards of the District to guide the sustainable management of settlements for the next 15 years.  The Area Plans seek to ensure more sustainable settlement patterns and outcomes are being enabled.

While the Area Plans are non-statutory, they will inform future Selwyn District Plan (SDP) reviews, the Long Term Plan (LTP) process, other Council management plans and strategies, as well as privately initiated plan change requests in the areas subject to the relevant area plan in helping to deliver Selwyn 2031.

LURP Implementation

The Land Use Recovery Plan (LURP) seeks to achieve the vision of the Recovery Strategy for Greater Christchurch and has been developed in response to the Canterbury earthquakes to  assist recovery and rebuild.

It is a statutory document that directs the Selwyn District Council to make changes to its District Plan.
We have developed and are now consulting on a number of these actions. These actions will potentially lead to changes to the Selwyn District Plan.

Urban Design Guides

We have produced a number of urban design guides which outline how well designed development can make our townships pleasant places to live and provide for a range of housing and lifestyle choices.


Designations allow for public works under the Resource Management Act and Selwyn District Plan.

District Plan

View the Selwyn District Plan online. Important note: Operative ePlan doesn't work in Internet Explorer browser. It works best in Google Chrome but also in Edge, Safari or Firefox browser.

District Plan Changes

The District Plan is a living document and there are plan changes occurring (both Council initiated and privately initiated) on a continuing basis.
You can view the proposed changes, where they are in the process, and how to make submissions.

District Development

Selwyn is the fastest growing District in the country.

We are endeavouring to ensure that the District's future development is of a high quality and complements the existing townships and our unique rural setting. The Strategy and Policy team have developed structure plans and strategic policies to guide future development of the District.

Tangata Whenua

The Local Government Act (2002) and the Resource Management Act (1991) require us to recognise, and provide for, the values and interests of Māori in its planning and decision-making processes.
This is of particular relevance to the policy, planning, and consent functions.

Monitoring Strategy

Our Monitoring Strategy identifies the priorities for monitoring of the various strategies, plans and actions that Council has adopted.
This Strategy is currently being updated.

Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy (UDS)

The Council was involved in the development of a vision for the continuing growth of Greater Christchurch through the Urban Development Strategy (adopted April 2007).
This Strategy has been a collaborative effort between Selwyn District Council, Waimakariri District Council, Christchurch City Council, Environment Canterbury and the New Zealand Transport Agency.

Regional Policy Statement

The Canterbury Regional Policy Statement (RPS) is operative on 13 January 2013. From this date the 1998 Regional Policy Statement can be disregarded.

Heritage / Cultural Heritage

There are a number of heritage buildings and protected trees, archaeological sites, wāhi taonga and wāhi tapu areas located throughout Selwyn District.
These Heritage and Cultural Heritage places are protected in various ways in the District Plan.

Planning Department Work Program

This details and updates the current planning work program that is reported to the Council Meeting each month. It includes updates on Council Plan Changes, Private Plan Changes, Designations, Policy and Strategy work and preliminary work and Resource Consents with the Environment Court.


For further information please contact the Duty Planner on phone 0800 SELWYN (735 996) or email