Operative as of 9 December 2016

Operative 9 December 2016

M J Stratford - Living 3, Shands Road, Prebbleton

M J Stratford has lodged a private plan change request with the Council. The Plan Change seeks to amend the land use zoning from Rural Inner Plains to Living 3. The request seeks to insert an Outline Development Plan (ODP) and site specific rules to facilitate the development of approximately 26 Rural Residential sections. The subject site is 631 Shands Road, Prebbleton.

The property is approximately 16 hectares in size and is legally described as Lot 1, DP 53113. The site is located on the Western side of Prebbleton adjoining the Kingcraft Drive Existing Development Area and Trents Road Living 3 Zone.

Latest News - 29 November 2016

A public notice was advertised on 29 and 30 November 2016 identifying that no appeals were received on PC 47 and that the provisions will become fully operative on 9 December 2016

Operative public notice [PDF, 52 KB]

Council's decision to accept the request without modification has been publicly notified, which provides an opportunity to certain parties to lodge an appeal.

Public notice of Council's decision [PDF, 20 KB]

Council resolved at its meeting held on 14 September 2016 to accept the Commissioner's recommendation as its formal decision.

Council report [PDF, 322 KB]

An Independent Commissioner has considered the plan change request and made a recommendation to accept it without modification.  A hearing was not required as there were no submissions to consider, only the application, peer reviews and a council's Officer report.

Commissioner's recommendation [PDF, 15 KB].

Submissions and Officer's Report

The following Officer's report has been prepared and forwarded to the appointed Commissioner to review and make a recommendation on the request.

Officer's Report [PDF, 870 KB]

The request has been publicly notified with no submissions having been received.

Public Notice [PDF, 44 KB]

Council accepted the request for public notification at its meeting held on 13 April 2016.

Council Report [PDF, 420 KB]


A number of amendments have been made to the lodged request following peer reviews. The current version for notification purposes consists of the following:

Please note that the applicant has sought some minor amendments to the request which are being evaluated by Council officers and the Commissioner.
These changes are references in the following Schedule of Amendments:

Amended Schedule of Amendments [PDF, 535 KB]

Application - M J Stratford Plan Change [PDF, 815 KB]
Appendix A - Infrastructure Report [PDF, 513 KB]
Appendix B - Acoustic Assessment [PDF, 1097 KB]
Appendix C - Transport Assessment [PDF, 8538 KB]
Appendix D - Geotechnical Assessment  [PDF, 1902 KB]
Appendix D - Applicant Geotech Addendum [PDF, 4146 KB]
Appendix D - SDC Geotech Consulting Peer Review [PDF, 40 KB]
Appendix E - PSI Final Part 1 [PDF, 4033 KB]
Appendix E - PSI Final Part 2 [PDF, 14017 KB]
Appendix E - T&T Initial Peer Review [PDF, 320 KB]
Appendix E - Applicant Memorandum PSI [PDF, 73 KB]
Appendix E - T&T PSI Final Peer Review [PDF, 671 KB]
Appendix F - MKT IMP Review and Recommendation [PDF, 694 KB]

If you have any questions, please contact the Duty Planner on 347 2868 or email planninginfo@selwyn.govt.nz.