Disclaimer, privacy statement, and conditions of use on rates data

This information is provided under the Local Government (Rating) Act 2002 as an online representation of a Public Register. For more information about your privacy, this service and the District of Selwyn website, please see our Privacy Statement. This service is provided by the Selwyn District Council as a public service. Use of this service to retrieve rating information constitutes your awareness, and agreement to the Conditions of Use for this site.

Privacy Statement
For more detailed information please refer to the Privacy Commissioner's guide to the Privacy Act 2020 and its amendments. The Privacy Act sets out 13 information privacy principles dealing with the collection, holding, use and disclosure of personal information, and the assigning of unique identifiers. The principles also give you a right to access information about yourself and to ask for it to be corrected. The Act applies to the Selwyn District Council in its role as an agency. In compliance with The Act, the Selwyn District Council holds certain information about rate payers and residents of Selwyn District. This information is required for lawful purposes used in the functioning of the Selwyn District Council and this information is sourced in accordance with Principle 2 of The Act.

Access requests: You may make a request to the Selwyn District Council either orally or in writing, for access to personal information held by Selwyn District Council. The Selwyn District Council must make a decision on your request and notify you of the decision as soon as practicable - and in any case not later than 20 working days after receiving your request. Selwyn District Council may, in certain circumstances, extend the time limit by notice to you.

Complaints: If you believe an agency may have breached the Privacy Act, or if you are not sure of your obligations as an agency, you can call the Privacy Commissioner's privacy hotline: 0800 803 909.

Conditions of Use
The preparation and provision of the information on this website has been made in good faith from a number of sources, that are believed to be reliable. While all due care has been taken, Selwyn District Council does not give any warranty that any information contained is accurate. Selwyn District Council does not invite any visitor to this website to act upon any information within this website. Products and services names used on this site are assumed to be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies and should be contacted for usage.