How we implement accessibility and tips for enhancing your own web experience.

We are committed to ensuring this website is as accessible as we can make it. Every page includes "skip links" to quickly access key areas, and we apply accessibility standards to our formatting and layout.

The NZ Relay range of services is provided by the Crown for people with communications disabilities. MBIE funds NZ Relay to provide equal work and lifestyle opportunities for those with speech, hearing and vision disabilities. The New Zealand Relay Service is supported and funded by the New Zealand Government through the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE). It is also endorsed by the National Foundation for the Deaf, Deaf Aotearoa New Zealand and Good Soundz Limited.

There are many features built into various browsers and operating systems than can enhance the accessibility of any site you are viewing. Rather than reproduce vast quantities of this information, we recommend you take a look at the BBC My Web My Way site. They provide excellent descriptions of the many settings you can specify to improve your web experience.

If you have any ideas about how we might improve the accessibility of our website, please email