Consultation information

As  part of early planning for the Long-Term Plan, the Council carried out informal consultation to seek community feedback on what its priorities and funding strategies should be over the next 10 years.

View the pre-consultation engagement report. [PDF, 379 KB]

The consultation document This way – our map for the next 10 years was the key document setting out the Council’s proposals and budget for the 2021-2031 period. It was the basis for consultation with the community.

View Consultation document [PDF, 19140 KB]

View summary of the consultation document [PDF, 5219 KB] which was distributed to households throughout Selwyn.

Reports prepared for Council deliberations meeting on 20 May 2021 (includes submissions and Council staff responses):

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet - 100022 - 100100 [PDF, 13992 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 2 - 100101 - 100200 [PDF, 4327 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 3 - 100201 - 100300 [PDF, 25755 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 4 - 100301 - 100400 [PDF, 21509 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 5 - 100401 - 100500 [PDF, 40069 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 6A(1) - 100501 - 100515 [PDF, 23921 KB]

20 May 2021 - LTP Deliberation Booklet 6A(2) - 100516 - 100530 [PDF, 35009 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 6B - 100531 - 100550 [PDF, 8304 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 6C - 100551 - 100600 [PDF, 15929 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 7A - 100601 - 100630 [PDF, 10300 KB]

20 May 2021 - Draft LTP Deliberation Booklet 7B - 100631 - 100654 [PDF, 44009 KB]

Supporting information

Growth and demand report  [PDF, 2175 KB]

Wellbeing indicators [PDF, 722 KB]

Rating examples [PDF, 446 KB] - annual rates for a sample of typical properties for the 2021/22 year compared with 2020/21.

Leeston community needs assessment [PDF, 1856 KB]

Community Facilities Activity Management Plan

Executive summary [PDF, 6151 KB]

Section 1:  Introduction [PDF, 5429 KB]

Section 2:  Community facilities activity [PDF, 3334 KB]

Section 3:  Levels of service [PDF, 1921 KB]

Section 4:  Managing growth [PDF, 6093 KB]

Section 5:  Asset management overview [PDF, 1977 KB]

Section 6:  Risk management [PDF, 2501 KB]

Section 7:  Recreation reserves [PDF, 7650 KB]

Section 8:  Townships [PDF, 4875 KB]

Section 9:  Cemeteries [PDF, 3431 KB]

Section 10:  Public toilets [PDF, 1497 KB]

Section 11:  Community centres and halls [PDF, 5451 KB]

Section 12:  Swimming pools  [PDF, 4596 KB]

Section 13:  Property [PDF, 3655 KB]

Section 14:  Rental housing [PDF, 2841 KB]

Section 15:  Gravel reserves [PDF, 2625 KB]

Section 16:  Forestry [PDF, 5818 KB]

Section 17:  Sustainable management [PDF, 4217 KB]

Section 18:  Financial summary [PDF, 1940 KB]

Section 19:  Asset management practices [PDF, 2584 KB]

Section 20:  Asset management improvements plan [PDF, 2440 KB]

Section 21: Appendix [PDF, 1907 KB]

Transportation Activity Management Plan

Section 2:  Introduction [PDF, 1653 KB]

Section 3:  Legislation and strategy [PDF, 3038 KB]

Section 4:  Transportation activity and asset class [PDF, 1700 KB]

Section 5:  Road safety [PDF, 1055 KB]

Section 6:  Levels of service [PDF, 2157 KB]

Section 7:  Growth and demand [PDF, 2963 KB]

Section 8:  Risk management [PDF, 1990 KB]

Section 9:  Lifecycle management [PDF, 2342 KB]

Section 10:  Asset management process and practices[PDF, 2507 KB]

5 Waters Activity Management Plan

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Roading projects lists (within this 10-year and beyond)

Within Long-Term Plan's 10-year period by group activities [PDF, 466 KB]

Within Long-Term Plan's 10-year period by year [PDF, 490 KB]

Beyond Long-Term Plan's 10-year period by group activities [PDF, 435 KB]

Beyond Long-Term Plan's 10-year period by year [PDF, 451 KB]