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Annual Plan 2023/24

The Council's Annual Plan 2023/24 [PDF, 3896 KB] was adopted on 28 June 2023. It is the third year of the Council’s Long-Term Plan 2021-2031 [PDF, 15960 KB].

Draft Annual Plan 2023/24 engagement

Feedback period on the Council's Draft Annual Plan for the next 12 months closed on 28 April 2023. We received 112 submissions, with 18 submitters wishing to be heard.

Council deliberations 31 May

Council deliberations meeting will be held on 31 May, starting at 9am. The meeting will be livestreamed on Council's You Tube channel(External link).

See Draft 2023/24 Annual Plan Deliberations Agenda.

Council hearings on 8 May 2023