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Interwoven threads of community development


Our comprehensive approach to community development, seamlessly connects Selwyn’s economic growth with the perspectives and needs of our youth and ageing populations.

It considers the unique needs of each group while fostering a sense of unity and shared responsibility for Selwyn's future.

A Demographic Shift

As our demographic landscape undergoes a significant shift, marked by the rapid growth of both youth and ageing populations, we recognise the need for targeted initiatives.

Over the next fifteen years, Selwyn’s youth population is projected to grow by 46%, in contrast to the national growth rate of 7%. Additionally, over the next twenty-five years, our population aged 65  and over, will experience a substantial 240% growth compared to 120% nationally.

The scale of Selwyn’s youth and ageing population growth, presents considerable economic opportunities for businesses and investors.

A Shared Vision Driving Economic Growth

We engaged our youth and aged residents extensively to understand what was important to them and their priorities. Interestingly, we found that many of these aligned, presenting significant opportunities for economic and community development.

  • Both groups emphasised the importance of accessible healthcare services and green spaces for physical and mental health. Economic opportunities were crucial for both demographics. Youth expressed a desire for quality education, diverse career paths and opportunities for part time jobs while studying. Older residents sought avenues for continued professional development, volunteer engagement, and flexibility of work roles free from ageism.
  • A resounding need for community and social connection is echoed by both groups. Initiatives and activity opportunities to foster social interactions, intergenerational programmes and shared community spaces emerged as vital needs for a fulfilling life.
  • Both groups expressed a keen interest in the district’s commitment to cultural recognition and the creation of inclusive spaces becomes a unifying theme, fostering a sense of belonging for residents of all ages.

As both groups recognise the significance of economic wellbeing, their shared vision aligns with the region's overarching economic development strategy, ensuring that prosperity benefits everyone. This overlap in priorities creates a foundation for collaboration and mutual support, forging a community where the interests of the aged and the youth intersect, contributing to the district's resilience and shared sense of identity of a sustainable Selwyn.

Businesses can play a vital role  in creating a sense of belonging in Selwyn by providing spaces where people can come together, share experiences, and build lasting relationships.

Our Strategies

Economic Development Strategy

Business representatives

At the heart of Selwyn's interconnected Economic Development Strategy, lies a robust economic development plan, nurturing businesses and fostering growth. A thriving business environment not only generates economic prosperity but also provides opportunities for employment, supporting the livelihoods of both the youth and the ageing population, and contributing to the community vision of a sustainable Selwyn. As local businesses flourish, they become essential pillars that sustain the entire community, providing employment, tourism opportunities and a sense of community pride and belonging.

Piki Amokura - Youth Strategy

Herea ki te amokura - Woven beyond greatness

Young people

Aligned with the region’s vision, the Youth Strategy captures the aspirations and concerns of our younger residents. By investing in infrastructure development, including improved public transport, cycleways, and versatile community events, the strategy not only addresses the desires of the youth but also cultivates an environment where their energy and ideas contribute to the economic vibrancy of Selwyn. The focus on sustainability including economic wellbeing, cultural recognition, and environmental considerations ensures that the youth play a pivotal role in shaping the town's future

Te Paepae - Ageing Positively Strategy

Toia te pae tawhiti kia heke iho - Bring closer the distant horizon as learnings to pass on

Group in library

Simultaneously, the Ageing Positively Strategy acknowledges the unique needs of people ageing in Selwyn. Public transport enhancements and accessible healthcare facilities become integral components, ensuring that the ageing community can maintain active social connections and age well within the district. The emphasis on cultural recognition reinforces the idea of a multigenerational community, fostering a sense of belonging for all residents.

As our workforce ages it will become multi-generational. It is crucial to acknowledge the wealth of experience and expertise ageing people bring that can enrich workplaces and businesses. Ageing people are increasingly playing a pivotal role in innovation, productivity, and the overall success of our community. An age diverse workforce enhances creativity, problem solving and can foster mentoring relationships benefiting the entire workforce. Feedback shows people in Selwyn aged 65 plus are seeking entrepreneurial and small business creation opportunities, and around 40% of our survey participants volunteer as they are seeking opportunities to connect, keep active and give back to community.

Interwoven Threads of Community Development

As these strategies intertwine, a symbiotic relationship emerges. Economic development not only supports businesses but also provides the financial backbone for implementing the youth and ageing strategies. The vibrancy of the youth and the wisdom of the elderly contribute to the social fabric of Selwyn, creating a harmonious community where each generation plays a vital role in the district's continued growth.

The economic development, youth strategy, and ageing population strategies are not isolated components but interconnected threads that weave together the prosperity, aspirations, and well-being of the entire population. The result is a dynamic, inclusive community where each generation is not only supported but actively contributes to the districts shared successes.