Pursuant to section 27(1)(a) of the Canterbury Earthquake Recovery Act 2011, the Minister for Canterbury Earthquake Recovery gives the following notice:

The Banks Peninsula District Plan, Chapter 41, Canterbury Earthquake Recovery is amended from the publication of this notice by adding:
Section 2: Workers’ temporary accommodation for the greater Christchurch rebuild. Objective, Policies, Rules and Appendix - Guideline.

The Christchurch City Plan, Volume 3, Part 9 General City Rules, Clause 9 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery, is amended from the publication of this notice by adding:
Section 9.2: Workers’ temporary accommodation for the greater Christchurch rebuild.  Objective, Policies, Rules and Appendix - Guideline.

The Selwyn District Plan, Township Volume and Rural Volume, is amended from the publication of this notice by adding Part D/A Canterbury Earthquake Recovery as follows:
Part D/A  Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
D/A.1  Workers’ temporary accommodation for the greater Christchurch rebuild. Objective, Policies, Rules and Appendix - Guideline.

The Waimakariri District Plan is amended from the publication of this notice by adding
Chapter 39 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery as follows:
Chapter 39 Canterbury Earthquake Recovery
39.1: Workers’ temporary accommodation for the greater Christchurch rebuild.
Objective, Policies, Rules and Appendix - Guideline.

These amendments to the text of the District Plan are available on the websites of the Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council and Waimakariri District Council, which are linked to the CERA website at http://dpmc.govt.nz

Copies are available from the offices and public libraries of the Christchurch City Council, Selwyn District Council and Waimakariri District Council.

Given the detailed material contained within these amendments, the full text is not provided in this public notice. The following is a brief summary of the effect of these amendments.

  • Insert provisions into a Canterbury Earthquake Recovery chapter in each district plan with an objective, policies and rules to provide for workers’ temporary accommodation. The same provisions would apply in all four district plans and override any other district plan policies and rules for this activity
  • Permit use of other types of permanent accommodation for temporary use by workers eg student accommodation, travellers accommodation, family flats
  • Permit temporary buildings to accommodate up to 200 people in the Central City Mixed Use Zone
  • Provide for temporary buildings to accommodate up to 20 people in identified residential and commercial zones as a controlled activity
  • Provide for one temporary unit for up to 4 people on any site in the greater Christchurch UDS area as a restricted discretionary activity
  • Provide for larger projects for any number of people in existing urban areas of greater Christchurch as a restricted discretionary activity
    Provide for standards and requirements to be met for a project to be considered under the new rules, including on-site management, set back from neighbouring sites, parking and decommissioning
  • Provide a guideline setting out considerations and good practice examples for the design and assessment of projects through the consenting process. Key matters for assessment of applications relate to location suitability, site layout, building design, on-site management, and decommissioning/removal
  • Provide for any application for a project accommodating up to 200 people to be non-notified. Over 200, the application may be limited notified, allowing any affected parties identified by the council to make a submission
  • Prohibit temporary use and temporary buildings for workers’ accommodation after 31 December 2022