The Council's Annual Plan 2022/23 [PDF, 6220 KB] was adopted on 22 June 2022. It is the second year of the Council’s Long-Term Plan 2021-2031 [PDF, 15960 KB].

Consultation on Draft Annual Plan 2022/23

Consultation on Selwyn District Council’s Draft Annual Plan 2022/23 closed on Thursday 19 May 2022. We received 138 submissions.

Council deliberations on 7 June

Council hearings on 30 May 2022

Key dates:

  • Consultation Tuesday 19 April – 5pm Thursday 19 May
  • Public hearings  9am-6pm Monday 30 May. Hearings will be livestreamed on the Council’s YouTube channel.
  • Council deliberations Tuesday 7 – Thursday 9 June (if required)
  • Council adopts final Annual Plan Wednesday 22 June

The Draft Annual Plan is the second year of the Council’s Long-Term Plan 2021-2031, which was adopted in 2021 after extensive community consultation. For the most part our plans haven’t altered significantly and there are no major changes of direction.

The Draft Annual Plan is a chance to check in with the community, seek feedback on the overall programme for the year, and consult on four new or changed projects:

  • a change in proposal for the funding of the Hororātā Community Hub,
  • closure of parts of the Upper Ellesmere Water Race
  • changes to water race rating across the district
  • a proposal for investing in biodiversity through a $20 Ecological Enhancement targeted rate and harmonisation of Land Drainage rates

Information on these proposals, the wider work programme, and the impact on rates, is available in the Consultation Document. [PDF, 3843 KB]

You can find more detailed financial information in the full Draft Annual Plan [PDF, 710 KB] document, which forms the supporting information for the Consultation Document.