Community Development/Residents Association

Ellesmere Business and Promotions

Ellesmere Business and Promotions (EBaP) aims to support businesses in and promote the Ellesmere area.
We organise events which bring people into the district, support our local businesses and allow local craftspeople to showcase their goods. In organising the events we provide income to community and volunteer groups (e.g. Ellesmere Lions, Leeston Fire Brigade, Ellesmere Scouts, and local churches) which allow them in turn to support the community.

Main activities and services

These events include the Leeston Fete (4000+ attendees), Leeston Santa Parade (2000+ attendees), and the Anderson’s Square Easter Egg Hunt. Our events bring the community together, promote a strong community spirit, and cater to all ages in the community; from children to senior citizens. In addition to these community events, we run networking events for the businesses in the area, and promote initiatives to improve the area (e.g. security cameras in the main street of Leeston). EBaP Committee members are either in business or in full time employment. The time commitment to run these events is extensive. For example preparations for the Fete start in June for the following March, Santa Parade planning starts in September, and the Easter Egg Hunt in February. Organising and running these events is a huge task for a Committee of seven, and therefore we would like to be considered for this award as recognition of the effort we put in, and the benefit to the community.