Our partner incentive scheme provides additional benefits for our partners to encourage them to

  • continue to engage in working with us to provide efficient and effective consent solutions, and
  • keep using the programme on an ongoing basis rather than defaulting back to the normal process.

Incentive levels

The table below explains the benefits to you as a partner at the different levels versus the usual consent process.

 Usual consent processBronze partnerSilver partner
Consent costs Time and cost to process

Similar cost to usual process

50% discount on usual processing fees

Consenting timeframe

Statutory timeframe under the Building Act 2004, within 20 workings days

Within 10 working days

Within 10 working days

Routine auditing

Technical reviews targeting high risk work

1 in 10 applications audited

1 in 10 applications audited

Note – processing of applications won’t change – your application will be processed the same way, no matter what partner level you are.

How does the incentive system work?

  • All partners accepted into the partnership programme will start as a ‘bronze’ member
  • Your performance will be reviewed on an ongoing basis to consider your records and membership grading through
    • regular auditing, and
    • an annual review.
  • If your routine audits show excellent compliance and full programme engagement, your membership status will be upgraded to ‘silver’ – in which case
    • we’ll let you know in writing and provide you with a new partner badge for you to use for marketing, and
    • you’ll receive additional benefits as listed on the partners incentives table above.
  • If your audit highlights serious non-compliances or major issues your partnership status will either be
    • dropped back to ‘bronze’, or
    • revoked dependant on the nature of the issue(s).

A drop back in level will also mean you’ll be subject to more regular audits (1 in 5) to monitor progress.

But once satisfied that you are operating appropriately and meeting the requirements of the partnership your audits can be extended back out to 1 in 10.

  • We’ll identify you as an approved partner and your current partner level on our website.