The purpose of the Open Spaces Strategy is to set the direction for meeting the District’s needs for the next 30 years

Open space forms an integral part of the District's aesthetic, social, ecological, cultural and economic life.

The purpose of the Open Spaces Strategy [PDF, 3900 KB] is to set the direction for provision of an open space network that will meet the District’s needs for the next 30 years.

The Open Spaces Strategy specifically establishes a vision for Selwyn District’s open space and where Council wants to be in 2044. The vision is supported by underlying principles. Council views the provision of open space through key themes, with each theme having an associated implementation plan in order to achieve the vision for open spaces into the future.

In developing this Strategy the Council carefully considered unique factors impacting the rate of population growth currently and predicted into the future and how best to achieve the community’s needs and aspirations.