We are not able to investigate complaints unless they are associated with specific areas. To report an issue on council maintained areas, please contact us using our online form

Bees and wasp nests

For bee or wasp nests on private property or Council-leased property, contact a Pest Control Company.

Rats, mice or rabbits

Rodents on private residential properties

  • It is the responsibility of the owner/occupier to control and prevent vermin breeding.
  • Try and identify the source of the problem. Bait and/or traps can be obtained from hardware stores or pest control firms, alternatively a pest control firm can be employed to eradicate the problem.
  • We do not lay poison on private properties.
  • If you have a complaint about rats coming from or breeding in a specific source (e.g. a poultry house, shed / garage with rubbish, food premises) contact us and a Environmental Health Officer will investigate.

Rodents on public land

  • Identify the specific area of the problem (e.g. food premise) then contact us and an Environmental Health Officer will investigate the matter further.

Use of RHDV1 K5 (rabbit calicivirus) for feral rabbit control in Council parks and sports reserves

RHDV1 K5 (rabbit calicivirus) is safe method of rabbit control for feral rabbit populations, which is used to control populations of feral rabbits damaging Council parks and sports reserves.

It was first introduced to New Zealand in 2018 under authorisation from the Ministry of Primary Industries and has been widely and safely used around the country since then.

The virus only affects European rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). No other animal or human has ever developed an infection from being exposed to RHDV1. The vaccine Cylap is used in New Zealand to protect pet rabbits from rabbit calicivirus and is commonly available from vets.

European rabbits are an introduced pest species that cause major damage to New Zealand agriculture and to the landscape.

Feral rabbit populations can cause significant damage to Council parks and reserves, including to native plantings and by digging holes in sports fields, which make them unsafe to use.

The Council will inform residents in the vicinity of any control operation before it carries out pest control operations using RHDV1 K5 (rabbit calicivirus).

Further more in-depth information on RHDV1 K5 (rabbit calicivirus) can be found from Manaaki Whenua Landcare Research