Text version of the information in the BWOF Process Graphic

The compliance schedule (CS) and building warrant of fitness (BWOF) process has many steps as follows

1. Submit building consent application and details for all specified systems

2. Your building consent will be issued with draft CS

3. The final CS and CS statement is issued with your code compliance certificate for your building – you will need to display your CS for the first 12 months

4. It is your responsibility to ensure that there is ongoing maintenance of specified systems and records of this are kept throughout the year

5. You need to arrange an annual IQP check before to the anniversary date of your CS being issued

6. You provide the BWOF (Form 12) and Form 12A to Council - then display your BWOF in a prominent place in your building

  • Your annual process should include daily weekly and monthly checks, cycling through steps 4-6

7. If you need a change to your compliance schedule

  • 7a. Corrections to the CS - apply for an Amendment to Compliance Schedule (Form 11), which allows an amended CS to be issued (step 3); or
  • 7b. Addition, removal or upgrade of specified systems – this requires a building consent, therefore you will need to submit a new building consent application (see step 1).