Policy & Strategy National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity

National Policy Statement on Urban Development Capacity (NPS-UDC)

Selwyn District Council is required to undertake additional work to ensure there is sufficient land available to meet future housing and business needs as the district has been experiencing high-growth.

This includes preparing:

  • Quarterly monitoring reports on a range of market indicators (commencing June 2017)
  • A housing and business development capacity assessment (by December 2017)
  • Setting minimum housing targets in regional policy statements and district plans (December 2018)
  • A future development strategy to demonstrate sufficient, feasible development capacity in the medium and long term (by December 2018).

Refer to the Ministry for the Environment (MfE) website for additional information on the National Policy Statement and associated guidance.

Urban Development Strategy and Settlement Pattern Review

Selwyn District Council is working collaboratively with the Greater Christchurch Partnership to respond to the NPS-UDC and to integrate this work with a review of the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy.

Refer to the Greater Christchurch Partnership website to obtain information on the Urban Development Strategy and Settlement Pattern Review.

Quarterly monitoring reports

The NPS-UDC requires Council to monitor a range of market indicators on a quarterly basis from June 2017. It encourages local authorities to publish the results of this monitoring.

The indicators to be monitored include:

  • Prices and rents for housing, residential land and business land by location and type; and changes in these prices and rents over time;
  • The number of resource consents and building consents granted for urban development relative to the growth in population; and
  • Indicators of housing affordability.

Partner staff have worked collaboratively to prepare the following Quarterly Monitoring Reports:

Refer to the Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) website to access the Development Capacity Dashboard prepared to assist in developing the quarterly monitoring report.


For further information contact the planning team on 0800 SELWYN (735 996) or email contactus@selwyn.govt.nz