The Lincoln Town Centre Plan was adopted by Council on 5 May 2016

Lincoln Town Centre Plan Adopted

On 5 May 2016, Council acknowledged the receipt of the submissions made on the draft Lincoln Town Centre Plan and adopted the Lincoln Town Centre Plan, including a cost estimate and implementation plan.

Lincoln town centre pictureThe Plan has been designed around five key elements, which together create the built environment. They affect the way that the public uses a site or the surrounding area and can be thought of as the components of development. The five elements are:

1. Buildings Lines and Active Frontages
2. Public Space
3. Moving (Walking, Cycling and Driving)
4. Car Parking
5. Use of Streets

The document developed projects within each of the identified three precincts, and subsequent actions for Council to undertake to support the traditional village character of the town centre as it grows. A comprehensive consultation process was undertaken. The purpose of consultation was to determine the level of public support for the various measures and projects proposed and to give people an opportunity to state their preferences, as to which project should be implemented first.

Relevant findings have been used to update the Lincoln Town Centre Plan and determine implementation priorities for individual projects.

Cross section of parts of Gerald Street

Cross-section of parts of Gerald Street

Consultation and deliberation process

A total of 78 submissions were received with 77% of the submissions being in general support of the Lincoln Town Centre Plan. When submitters were asked which of the proposed Town Centre projects should have the highest (implementation) priority, the provision of dedicated, safe cycle lanes was listed as number one. Other projects that were regarded with high priority were traffic management, development of the Retail Core East Precinct and parking.

A hearing was held on 14 March 2016 inviting submitters to speak to their submission. Twelve submissions were heard by a hearing panel represented by four Councillors.

The hearing panel deliberated on the 15 March 2016 regarding the issues raised by submitters. Their decision has been incorporated into the Lincoln Town Centre document in Part F of the Lincoln Town Centre Plan.

Update 4 March 2016

The Hearing for the Lincoln Town Centre Plan will be held on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th March 2016, in the Baylis Lounge, Lincoln Events Centre, 15 Meijer Drive, Lincoln.

Officer's Report [PDF, 3608 KB]


Submissions for the Lincoln Town Centre Plan closed on 30 November 2015.

Thank you for your submissions on the proposed Draft Lincoln Town Centre Plan (LTCP). All submissions received on the LTCP have been summarised and are now available.

Summary of Submissions [PDF, 116 KB]


Please note that it has been decided at the last Council meeting, that a Hearing will be held on the Draft Lincoln TC plan. The hearing will be run under the Local Government Act, with a panel of Councillors and a Chair Person leading the Hearing. Submitters have the opportunity to have their say, if they wish to be heard. An Officer’s report, which is summarising the project and cataloguing the points of interest/concerns, will be available before the Hearing.

Take a look at Lincoln Town Centre …

Lincoln residents and businesses are being invited to share their views on proposals for the future development of the town centre.

During November 2015 Selwyn District Council is consulting on the Draft Lincoln Town Centre Plan – which aims to help co-ordinate development in the town centre and to guide future Council investment.

The plan is designed to help the town centre remain a lively and prosperous business area, as it grows and develops. It aims to ensure that future development is of a high standard, while retaining its distinct village atmosphere.

The plan has been designed around five key themes:

  • Promoting ‘active commercial frontage’, with buildings placed to the edge of the footpath and glass doors and windows facing the street. This design helps to create visual interest and supports a lively street scene for residents and visitors.
  • Developing public spaces and squares with attractive landscaping, which can be used for markets, events and relaxation
  • Ensuring the town centre design provides for connected and safe cycling and walking options, while allowing traffic to get through the township.
  • Providing and managing adequate car parking within the town centre
  • Designing streets that are suited to their purpose.

What’s proposed?

Take a look at the Summary Document [PDF, 2738 KB]

This summary sets out an overview of what’s proposed in the Draft Lincoln Town Centre Plan. Some of the key points include:

  • The extent of the new town centre
  • Background to the plan
  • Three distinct, but connected precincts
  • Costs and implementation plan
  • Proposed projects:
    • Gerald Street – active street frontage, cycling and walking
    • Gerald Street Plaza – space for everyone to shop and get around
    • Gerald Street – public spaces
    • Explore Lincoln with a Wayfinder

Full details of proposals are in the Draft Lincoln Town Centre Plan [PDF, 4774 KB]

More Information

  1. Lincoln Streetscape report- including various design options [PDF, 4882 KB]
  2. Lincoln Streetscape report- stage 2; including cost estimate summary, implementation plan and detailed scheme plans [PDF, 6910 KB]
  3. LTC Parking Survey [PDF, 3212 KB]
  4. LTC Parking Management Plan [PDF, 1517 KB]


If you have any questions, please contact Gabi Wolfer (03) 347 2955 or email