20km/h past a school bus

Did you know that the speed limit is 20km/h when passing a school bus that has stopped to let children on or off?

This rule applies to traffic on both sides of the road.  This may seem like a snail’s pace, but children can be unpredictable and travelling at 20km/h reduces the risk of harm if a child was to run out onto the road and get hit.

Slow down near schools

Children's behaviour can be unpredictable, so exercising caution is paramount. Reduce your speed, especially in school zones, aiming for 30km/h. Respect and comply with crossing patrols; their guidance ensures the safety of everyone.

To alleviate traffic congestion around school gates, consider dropping back a bit and encouraging walking for the final part of the journey. Physical activity isn't just for the kiddos; it's a boost for everyone's physical and mental health.

Whether it's bikes, scooters, or skating, make sure those noggins are protected. Fun fact: strapping on a helmet slashes the risk of head trauma by a whopping 74%. And hey, adults, you're not off the hook—be the helmet-wearing hero too.

It's time to plan ahead, stay alert, slow down and drop back. Let's make the journey back to school a safe, smooth, and fun ride for everyone in Selwyn.