District Plan Review

We’re currently reviewing the District Plan – our ‘rule book’ that guides how people can use and develop land. We’ve completed initial consultation and in the coming year we’ll be finalizing draft rules and preparing the draft plan for public notification and consultation.

RFID bin tag programme

Starting around August/September 2019, this project will see radio-frequency identification (RFID) tags fitted to all wheelie bins in the district. This will help us manage bins more easily, and ensure everyone is being charged correctly. ($420,000)

Events and recreation

This year the Council will continue developing and delivering a range of events and recreation activities, including an expanded CultureFest in partnership with Lincoln University Students Association Inc. as well as Matariki celebrations in partnership with Te Taumutu Rūnanga.

Visitor promotions

The Council will continue with annual tourism summits, building on the success of the inaugural summit last year. We are also reviewing and refreshing our visitor promotion brand and key promotional campaigns, to encourage visitors and newcomers to explore the district.

Arts, culture and lifelong learning

Now that residents have access to expanded, seven day a week opening hours at our libraries and service centres, the Council will continue to expand the range of programmes it delivers, as well as the books and digital resources on offer.

Community centres seismic strengthening

Some buildings are being re-checked for seismic strength and a contingency budget has been provided to cover potential strengthening requirements. ($250,000)

LED street lighting renewal

In the coming year we will be accelerating the replacement of more than 5,800 older existing street lights across Selwyn with newer, more efficient LED street lights. The project is on track to be completed in 2021. ($3.3 million)

Upgrading freedom camping sites

An additional sum of $55,000 has been set aside for upgrading camping sites, subject to a successful application to the Tourism Infrastructure Fund.


Flood protection works planned in the 2019/20 year ($1.1 million) include projects at Doyleston ($26,000), Southbridge ($83,000), Hororata ($41,000) and Lake Coleridge ($15,000). Flood diversion work is scheduled in Leeston ($205,000) and piping of open drains will progress in Prebbleton ($308,000). Other work includes district-wide discretionary projects ($410,000).