In this section

Photo of darfield main street

Ellesmere and Malvern have many different types of townships – and it’s important that we plan carefully for how these grow in the future.

Selwyn 2031 establishes the concept of the ‘Township Network’ – a framework for managing the scale, character and intensity of urban growth across the district.

The main Service Townships, Leeston and Darfield, currently have populations of up to 3000. Their function is based on providing a high-amenity residential environment and primary services to rural townships and the surrounding area.

Other townships are classed as Rural Townships, with populations up to around 1,200. Their function is based on village characteristics with some services offered to the surrounding rural area.

If new housing or businesses are developed in isolated locations then these areas become more expensive to service – for example new footpaths need to be built, and water and wastewater pipes extended a long way.

Managing future growth so that townships are compact helps to preserve the productive capacity and character of rural land. It also helps prevent conflicts occurring between incompatible rural and urban activities, such as a residential subdivision next to a pig farm.

Some guiding principles

  • Townships will develop and be managed in accordance with the township network
  • Townships will work together as a network to provide services and facilities
  • Township growth is managed so that towns are compact and walkable, and preserve the productive capacity and character of adjoining rural land on the town’s boundary
  • Towns support business activity and there are appropriate locations for new businesses to establish
  • New houses are close to existing shops and facilities making it easy for people to get to these areas

What do you think?
Here are some questions for you to think about when providing feedback on your town. These are just starters and you may have other issues you’d like to comment on. Please give us your feedback and ideas on these or related questions.

  • Do you think your township should grow?
  • Where should the town boundaries be? Why?
  • What things need to change as your township grows – more parking? more medium or high density housing? More (or less) open space? alternative recreation options for young people?
  • Where should new housing, and open spaces be located? Why are these locations suitable?
  • Where do you think new businesses should go? Why?
  • What constraints are limiting business from operating in your town?
  • What could be done to encourage business growth and ensure current businesses remain in your township?
  • How does your town work together with other nearby towns? What services don’t you mind travelling to access and what do you want in your town?