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Updated 29 April 2016

At the Council meeting on the 27th of April 2016, the Council resolved to endorse the Draft Malvern & Ellesmere Area plans for public notification. The Draft Area Plans will be available on this site from the 9th of May 2016.  At the same meeting the Council confirmed the appointment of Councillors Barnett, McEvedy and Morton, along with one yet to be named representative from each of Te Ngāi Tūāhuriri and Te Taumutu Rūnanga, as members of the Area Plan Hearing Panel.

If you have any questions regarding the Area Plans you can contact Andrew Mactier, Policy and Strategy Planner 03 347 2868 or

Updated 24 September 2015

Summary of Submissions & Feedback from Stage 1 Consultation

Stage 1 consultation on the Malvern and Ellesmere Area Plans is now finished. Consultation on the Area Plans ran from Monday the 27th of July to Friday the 28th of August. A key aspect of Stage 1 consultation was face to face ‘Drop in Sessions’ hosted at a number of venues throughout the Ellesmere area. The ‘Drop in Sessions’ were informal, interactive and hands on consultation events where the community could share their thoughts and ideas on local issues that are of concern and interest to them. Key issues and themes that the consultation sought feedback on included:

Communities & Township Character

Growth & Development

Transport & Infrastructure

Summary of submissions documents are now available for viewing

The summary of submissions documents, along with other information about the Area Plans can also be viewed online at any Council library or service centre.

Feedback received from Stage 1 consultation will complement the technical information that is being gathered and will help to form the basis for the Draft Area Plan and township specific growth strategies currently being developed.

It is important to note that the information contained in the summary of submissions documents is intended to assist the Council in making decisions on the development of the Malvern and Ellesmere Area Plans but is not a final decision on where growth will or will not occur, or on what services may or may not be provided. Those decisions will be made subsequent to receiving submissions on a Draft of the Area Plans which are anticipated to be publicly notified in late February 2016. It is anticipated that final Area Plans will be adopted by the Council towards the end of June 2016

Any queries on the summary of submissions, or any other aspect of the Area Plans can be directed to:

Andrew Mactier, Policy and Strategy Planner 03 347 2868 or


What will your town look like in 15 years’ time?
We’re developing new area plans for Ellesmere and Malvern and we want to know your thoughts on this and other questions to help guide the future growth and development of townships.

What are Area Plans and why do we need them?
The area plans are a 15-year growth strategy for townships in the Ellesmere and Malvern areas.
Selwyn is growing rapidly. In 2014 the Council adopted Selwyn 2031, a district-wide strategy to help manage this growth, which also identified the need for area plans to be developed for Ellesmere and Malvern.
The plan will provide a framework for the sustainable growth and development of local townships and settlements. It will be created by working with local communities, businesses and other key stakeholders to identify how they would like Ellesmere and Malvern to be in the future.

What will be in the plans?
The area plans will look at a range of township-related issues, especially:
* Communities and character
* Growth and development
* Transport and infrastructure

Some of the questions the plan will answer include:
* how will townships in Ellesmere and Malvern develop over the next 15 years?
* what’s special about different towns?
* what aspects of a towns’ character do people want to retain?
* how do towns work together in Ellesmere and Malvern,
* where should housing, businesses, open space and community facilities be located in the future?
* what infrastructure is needed in different areas?

How do the Area Plans relate to other documents?
The area plans will identify where different activities and facilities could be located – but actually rezoning the land will be considered later. The plan will guide future processes such as rezoning through the District Plan Review, and capital works projects in upcoming Long-Term Plans.

It’s important to note there are limitations on what the Council can do – for example, we can zone suitable business land, but we can’t require that a specific type of shop opens in a town.

Project Brief [PDF, 464 KB]

Find out more about:
Growth and Development
Town centres
Transport and Infrastructure
Communities and Character
Housing types

To help you think about issues in your town, view the maps of local townships:

Dunsandel [PDF, 248 KB]
Leeston/Doyleston [PDF, 370 KB]
Leeston Town Centre [PDF, 262 KB]
Rakaia Huts [PDF, 223 KB]
Southbridge [PDF, 283 KB]
Arthur's Pass [PDF, 252 KB]
Castle Hill [PDF, 301 KB]
Coalgate/Glentunnel [PDF, 283 KB]
Darfield [PDF, 341 KB]
Darfield Town Centre [PDF, 419 KB]
Hororata [PDF, 397 KB]
Kirwee [PDF, 570 KB]
Lake Coleridge [PDF, 431 KB]
Springfield [PDF, 508 KB]
Sheffield/Waddington [PDF, 533 KB]
Whitecliffs [PDF, 370 KB]

View a map of Ellesmere [PDF, 315 KB], or a map of Malvern [PDF, 277 KB].

Planning for our Future.

Selwyn's population has grown 33% since 2006. It's expected to increase another 40% by 2031.

We want your help to develop a plan that...

Photo of a house
Creates a high quality environment
Photo Leeston main street
Encourages business opportunities
Photo of sheep
Maintains Selwyn's rural character
Photo of a child on a playground
Promotes community wellbeing
Photo of the Rakaia River
Manages the district's natural resources