Photo of a rider on a cycleway

Infrastructure includes physical resources which provide a service to the community, such as transport systems, water supply systems, effluent and waste disposal systems, community facilities and telecommunication facilities. These are essential for people to carry out economic and social activities and their provision needs to keep pace with residential and business growth.

Providing affordable and accessible infrastructure is important in catering for the needs of urban residents. However, the provision of these services and facilities for each township needs to be appropriate for its position within the township network, and able to be provided in a cost effective way.

A safe and efficient transport system is important for any prosperous community, enabling the movement of goods, access to activity centres, social services, employment and a range of other services. Integrating transport and land use planning is critical given Selwyn’s continuing population growth. Sound planning can reduce dependence on private motor cars, which minimises energy use, while providing infrastructure that promotes good connectivity and linkages to and through existing communities and new developments, including access to public transport, walking and cycling routes.

Community facilities include land, buildings, equipment and services available to local communities for a range of activities. They include meeting halls, places of worship, education, recreation areas and reserves, medical facilities and emergency services. Community facilities are designed to meet the needs of a community of a certain size or composition. If a community grows or demographic factors change (such as age, sex or ethnicity) the demand for community facilities may also change.

Some guiding principles

  • New development areas are connected to established areas, and adjoining townships and communities, by good walking, cycling and roading links
  • Existing and new facilities (such as recreation reserves) are accessible and user friendly for residents and visitors
  • New development and growth needs to be supported by infrastructure which is both cost effective and appropriate to the township’s position within the township network.

What do you think?

  • Are there sufficient transport connections, such as footpaths, cycleways or roads, within your township?
  • Would you like to see changes to roads or footpaths and cycleways, for example, landscaping in the street area, parking facilities, walking/pedestrian spaces, cycling facilities?
  • Are the transport connections with adjoining townships and communities adequate? If not, to what extent should better connections be provided?
  • Do you have any comments about other infrastructure issues, such as water supply and wastewater?
  • Are there enough community facilities (such as places for community events, reserves, playgrounds) in your township?
  • What community facilities do you think your township will need in the future? Why? Where do you think these facilities should go?
  • Do you want any improvements to open spaces and other community facilities? What do you suggest and why?

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