Downloadable forms for the Resource Consent process

Email completed applications to

All applications must be accompanied by all relevant required information identified on each form and the required fee.  Please contact the Duty Planner on ph 0800 SELWYN or by email to if you have any questions.

Deemed Permitted Activities

Application for Deemed Permitted Activity notice (Form 9A)
Use this form where you are proposing to erect a building that does not comply with the rules in relation to internal boundary setbacks or recession planes, where the affected internal boundary is not a public boundary (a public boundary is a boundary with any road, river, lake, coast, esplanade reserve, esplanade strip, other reserve, or land owned by the local authority or by the Crown).

Affected parties consent to accompany application for Deemed Permitted Activity notice (Form 8B)
Use this form to record the written approval of the owners of affected adjoining properties when applying for a deemed permitted activity notice.  These owners also need to sign the plans for your proposal.

The form is different from the affected parties consent form for resource consents (Form 8A) – please ensure that you use the correct form for your application.

Resource Consents

Application for resource consent (Form 9)
Use this form to apply for a resource consent (subdivision or land use), with an assessment of environmental effects, plans and a Record of Title and other relevant supporting information.

Affected parties consent to accompany application for resource consent (Form 8A)
Use this form to record the written approval of persons affected by your resource consent application. Most commonly, these will be the owners and occupiers of properties adjoining the application site.  Affected parties also need to sign the plans for your proposal.

The form is different from the affected parties consent form for deemed permitted activities (Form 8B) – please ensure that you use the correct form for your application.

Application to change or cancel conditions of resource consent or conditions specified in a consent notice (Form 10)
Use this form to change or cancel a condition of an existing resource consent under section 127 of the Resource Management Act; or to vary or cancel a condition specified in a subdivision consent notice under section 221(3). It must be accompanied by plans and other relevant supporting information.

Application for extension of time
Resource consents lapse if they are not given effect to within a certain period of time (usually 5 years).  Use this form to apply for an extension of time if your consent will lapse soon but you have not yet given effect to it.  Please note that an extension of time cannot be applied for once a consent has lapsed – instead, you will need to apply for a new resource consent.

Relocated building exterior condition and bond assessment
This form needs to be completed and lodged as part of your resource consent application for the relocation of a dwelling or principal building.

Notice of surrender of a Resource Consent
Use this form where a consent holder wishes to surrender an existing resource consent under section 138 of the Resource Management Act 1991. It must be accompanied by plans and other relevant supporting information.

Make a submission on a notified resource consent application (Form 13)
Use this form to make a submission on a notified resource consent application, either in support or opposition. Or make an online submission..

Other RMA Applications

Application for Existing Use Rights Certificate
Use this form for an application under Section 139A of the Resource Management Act 1991 where seeking certification that a particular land use has existing use rights pursuant to Section 10 of the Act.

Application for Certificate of Compliance
Use this form where seeking certification under Section 139 of the Resource Management Act 1991 that a particular use complies with all of the rules in the District Plan and/or a National Environmental Standard (NES)

Application for a Section 226, 241 or 243 Certificate
Use this form to request a certificate under section 226 (Certification to allow a Record of Title to be issued for a separate allotment), 241 (Cancellation of an amalgamation condition) or 243 (Surrender of an easement) of the Resource Management Act 1991. It must be accompanied by the required deposit together with plans, a record of title and other supporting information.

Request for Outline Plan Approval for works on a designated site
This form is used by requiring authorities for Outline Plan Approval for public work on a designated site pursuant to Section 176a of the Resource Management Act

Other Applications

Application for a Right of Way Approval
Use this form to apply for a right of way approval under section 348 of the Local Government Act 1974, and any associated land use consent that may be required under the Resource Management Act 1991 (where applicable). It must be accompanied by plans, the relevant Record of Title, and other supporting information.

Application for a vehicle crossing
Information pack and application form to establish a new vehicle crossing (entranceway). Completed applications need to be emailed to

Flood Assessment Certificate
Use this form to apply for a Flood Assessment Certificate, required for all new residential units or other principal buildings, or additions to existing residential units or principal buildings that result in a total increase of building floor area of 25m2 or more, on land within the Plains Flood Management Overlay of the Partially Operative Selwyn District Plan. It must be accompanied by plans, the relevant Record of Title, and other supporting information as outlined in the application form. Further information on Flood Assessment Certificates is available on our website.