In this section

Information about how to object to any alcohol licence application

This form is for objecting to an application for a new alcohol licence, or the renewal of an existing alcohol licence, or the variation of the conditions of an existing licence. This covers on-licences, off-licences, Club licences and in some circumstances Special licences.

Anyone wishing to make an objection to an application must do so within 25 working days of the date of publication of the notice. Working days do not include weekends, public holidays, or any day between 20 December and 15 January (inclusive).

Your Contact Details

Title *
First Name
Last Name *
Street Address *
Town *
Post Code *
(NZ Postcode Finder)
Daytime Phone
Mobile Phone
Email *

(You will be emailed a copy of the completed form)

If submitting on behalf of an organisation please indicate the organisation name and your position in the organisation:


The application to which you are objecting

Please identify the alcohol licence application to which you are objecting

Name of applicant or business *

Address of business

Proposed business

Your Objection

Would you like to present your objection in person at a hearing?

What are your grounds for objecting? *

Please provide some detail on the grounds for objection you have identified above *

Optionally, you may attach a file (Word or PDF format) that details your objection.

The decision you would like the District Licensing Committee to make is *

Please detail any conditions you would like imposed on the licence if it were to be granted eg. days & hours etc.

* = required field