In this section

We currently deliver potable water to more than 19,000 households. Most of our customers receive water on demand while a minority are on a restricted supply in our rural areas. As a supplier of drinking water, we monitor the quality and the quantity of our water supplies on a daily basis and encourage all consumers to be responsible consumers and save water.

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Find the location and details of our Water utilities (pipes and connections) using the Canterbury Maps Viewer website.

Our water supplies

We manage over 30 water supplies across the District that spans from Arthur's Pass to Taumutu in the southern region. Selwyn water supplies generally draw water from the following two sources:

  1. Ground water (aquifers):
    • Deep secure ground water. These sources are protected from the influence of surface water contamination and are usually deemed to better source of raw water supply.
    • Shallow or insecure ground water. Shallow bores and wells are generally at a higher risk of contamination and may require a higher level of treatment.
  2. Surface water (general)
    • Sourced from rivers, streams, creeks, water races and irrigation races. These open catchment sources are at higher risk of contamination and need higher levels of treatment before distribution.

You can see which Water Scheme you belong to by looking into your Rates Information