Operative as of 5 December 2012

Operative as of 5 December 2012

We have received an application for a Private Plan Change that proposes to rezone land from Living 1 to Business 1. The land is in the centre of West Melton (opposite the BP service station) fronting the east side of Weedons Ross Road.

Recommendation [PDF, 585 KB] of the Commissioner
Resolution [PDF, 19 KB] of the Council
Decision Public Notice [PDF, 52 KB]

The Commissioner has released minutes in relation to the hearing.

Addendum [PDF, 3804 KB]: Officer's Report
Minute Two [PDF, 153 KB]: The Commissioner has sought further clarification on the applicants response, including a revised process and timeframe.
Applicant's Response [PDF, 1838 KB] to Minute One
Minute One [PDF, 163 KB]: The Commissioner has sought clarification on a number of matters as well as prescribing the process and timeframe

The Hearing was held on 29 May

Report and Attachments [PDF, 3152 KB]
Notice of Hearing [PDF, 213 KB]
Further Submissions Public Notice [PDF, 40 KB]


Summary of Submissions [PDF, 54 KB]
01 G W West Melton Ltd [PDF, 1559 KB]

02 Green [PDF, 761 KB]
06 Douglas [PDF, 16 KB]
09 Henderson [PDF, 1326 KB]
11 S Booth [PDF, 386 KB]
14 Wylie [PDF, 240 KB]
15 D Booth [PDF, 225 KB]
16 Vitel [PDF, 1669 KB]


Application[PDF, 381 KB]
Plan Site [PDF, 16 KB]
Traffic Effects [PDF, 2765 KB]
Plan Developments A B & C [PDF, 603 KB]
Map 018 [PDF, 3051 KB]
Map 088 [PDF, 1228 KB]
Map 089 [PDF, 1291 KB]
Title [PDF, 4536 KB]
Letter with Application [PDF, 125 KB]

If you have any questions, please contact the Duty Planner on Ph 347-2868 or email planninginfo@selwyn.govt.nz