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Last modified: 24 Oct 2023 2:32pm

A packed crowd moving between a line of food stalls and food vans at CultureFest

The Council made significant strides in waste reduction at CultureFest this year, teaming up on-site with Without Waste Limited (WOW). This initiative comes off the back of the launch of the Event Waste Sustainability Guide, developed by Council and ‘Sustainably’, a local waste minimisation consultancy in 2022.

WOW has the goal of creating a world without waste and employs various strategies like on-site education through bin ambassadors at each bin station, followed by waste sorting to increase diversion from landfill. The collaboration at this year’s CultureFest resulted in a remarkable 71.6% diversion of event waste from landfill, a substantial increase from the previous year's 17%. On-site waste sorting is a game changer at large events where contamination is inevitable.

WOW's Director, Kate Gisalon, said "we were thrilled to be involved with CultureFest and see the engagement with the waste sorting. After discussing with my team post-event, they heard nothing but positive feedback about the bin ambassadors providing education. Additionally, lots of people made positive comments to us about being able to showcase the waste
sorting station."

The success story of CultureFest highlights the potential of these waste reduction strategies. Council’s Resource Recovery and Waste Manager Andrew Boyd said “Selwyn District Council is working on reducing waste in a range of areas, and we see events like this as a great way to emphasise good waste separation practices. We look forward to implementing waste diversion practices like this at future events”.

To learn more about minimising waste at events, you can download the Event Waste Sustainability Guide [PDF, 5525 KB].