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Last modified: 29 Jul 2020 10:17am

Linda Miratana excersising in a  back garden, doing step ups from a lawn onto steps

With no recreation centres or facilities open during lockdown, it’s harder to find motivation for fitness and wellbeing. To fill this gap, the Council’s sports and recreation team created the Two-Week Lockdown Wellbeing Challenge.

While it was no replacement for pump, spin or aquafit class, daily activities all came with their own unique test, whether it was baking a healthy snack, exercising to the letters of your name, or learning something new.

Senior District Sports and Recreation co-ordinator Linda Miratana said the idea came from the five ways of wellbeing: “connect, give, be active, keep learning and take notice.” It was a great opportunity to offer people simple ways to boost wellbeing, resilience and mental health, she says.

The challenge ran on Facebook from 10-23 April and attracted over 100 people, from around Selwyn and as far as Melbourne. Lincoln resident Becks Mason missed going to the Lincoln Event Centre for pump and spin classes, but says the challenge turned into a fun and motivating family time when her whole family got involved.

Her favourite task was exercises to the letters in your name, which proved to be a challenge for her daughter Georgia. “The longer names had a harder time. There was quite a bit of banter and she’s going, it’s not fair!” Becks laughs.

Fellow participant Jo Weston says it was a good balance of activities that anyone could get a sense of achievement by doing. She enjoyed the connect challenge; playing scrabble with her husband, dusting off her calligraphy book to learn something new and baking  healthy snacks.