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Last modified: 29 Jul 2020 10:47am

aerial image of a rectangular wetland pond surrounded by a road and houses

Did you know the Council manages 30 community water supplies, 14 wastewater networks and 21 urban stormwater schemes – along with 10 land drainage schemes and three water race networks across the district?

Our water networks have expanded rapidly as Selwyn’s population has grown, and the Council faces a number of challenges in the coming years. These include ensuring the security and quality of drinking water, and dealing with the wastewater from our growing communities. These and other urban water issues will be the focus of a presentation by Murray England, Asset Manager Water Services, at the Selwyn Waihora Zone Committee meeting, which people are invited to attend next week.

Murray will talk about how the Council plans and manages its 5 Waters programme, and outline some upcoming improvements, such as the extension of the Pines wastewater treatment plant, and treatment plant upgrades at a number of community water supplies. The talk will also look at how the Council is implementing a risk-based approach to protecting drinking water schemes with options including filtration, UV treatment and chlorination as needed.

Members of the Christchurch West Melton Zone Committee will also be talking about their Stormwater Superheroes programme and other community projects.

The Selwyn Waihora Zone Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday 6 August, 2-5pm, at the West Melton Community and Recreation Centre - all welcome.