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Last modified: 29 Jul 2020 10:39am

Christmas is a wonderful opportunity to gather together with family and friends we love.

It’s a time when life often slows a little and we are able to take stock of the year that has been and look forward to the things to come.

For some of us this Christmas, we welcome new members into our family through birth or marriage.

For others of us Christmas will be tinged with sadness as we remember those who have been lost to us tSam and family his year.

This Christmas Liz’s family are joining us in Darfield for a few nights which will be nice.

I’m also looking forward to the Boxing Day cricket test, swimming in the Waimakariri and spending time with Liz and Elliott.

Remember to cherish those who are gathered with you, to smile and say hello to strangers, to take opportunities to heal past hurts, and to sing a few carols and remember the reason for Christmas.

I trust whatever your plans are, that you travel safely, that you find peace in the mayhem, and have a wonderful feed.

Merry Christmas.

Sam Broughton, Mayor