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Last modified: 08 Aug 2023 11:14am

A table of people eating, with a young woman in the centre talking and gesturing with one hand

Close up of people selecting food from a table covered in different dishes The fruits of the district, met the flavours of the world as Selwyn residents celebrated Matariki with food and gathering.

A group of 35 Selwyn locals shared kai at the Matariki Dinners of Selwyn in July, bringing together foods from around the world following the Matariki theme of Tupuārangi and food from the forests, trees and birds.

Representatives from Canterbury Community Gardens and the three Selwyn Community gardens, Rolleston, Kirwee and Lincoln spoke and gave an invitation to join in with local community gardens across the district.

Lincoln local Surinder Tandon from the Christchurch Mulitcultural Council also shared the multicultural alignment with Matariki and the international recognition of our stars that are very important to our newcomer communities.