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Last modified: 29 Jul 2020 10:31am

A rubbish truck collecting a red rubbish bin

Change is coming for kerbside recycling collection in Selwyn, with plastic bags given the bin.

From Monday 1 July plastic shopping bags will need to go in the red bin – rather than the yellow kerbside recycling bin.

Solid Waste Manager Andrew Boyd says the decision is a result of the falling number of bags, following the decision by major supermarkets and the government to phase them out.

The number of plastic bags going into bins in Selwyn has been falling since the start of the year, Mr Boyd says, matching the change around the country.

Plastics that are marked as compostable or biodegradable also need to be put into the red bin or composted at home.

Find out more about what you can put in your green, yellow and red wheelie bin