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Last modified: 29 Jul 2020 10:43am

A boy in a blue sun hat drinks from a drinking fountain

Selwyn’s drinking water has received a clean bill of health for complying with drinking water standards under the Health Act – with more improvements to come.

The Council’s drinking water supplies were passed as complying with national drinking water standards for dealing with bacteria and nitrate levels in the Canterbury District Health Board’s annual compliance report. Nitrate levels were tested in four water supplies and all were found to be below the maximum allowable levels.

The report showed 26 of the 27 water supplies tested were compliant with standards for E-Coli, with Arthur’s Pass having one E-Coli transgression when levels of E-Coli passed the allowed levels. A new treatment plant is planned for Arthur’s Pass next year.

The report found 17 of 27 supplies tested complied with requirements around protozoa, but seven supplies needed UV treatment upgrades. The Council has completed two of the upgrades and has committed to carrying out the remaining upgrades in the coming year, Council Group Manager Infrastructure Murray Washington says.

“It’s good to have the confirmation once again that our drinking water is of good quality and potable, but work is still needed to make sure we’re providing the best systems we can and keep up with changing drinking water standards.  We have a major project of upgrades happening this year at treatment plants across the district, installing UV and filtration systems where they are needed and expanding supply.”